Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Defining Moments

There is no doubt about it. Life in today's world is a challenge, an uphill battle. We dare not slow down, in fear of something wanting to bite at our heel.

But it is ok to slow down. Sometimes the best thing one can do for themselves is to simply stop. Why? Well how does a person know which direction should be travelled? Perhaps we are blindly taking our lives into the wrong directions. How do we know? But it is certainly ok to slow down and to stop, to help someone else.

When we venture out in our lives, we do not always know when we will be faced with a moment that will become a defining moment in our lives. I think of a defining moment as one, that will affectively shape my character. How we respond, react, participate, forgive, help, shoulder, parent, and support ... all contribute to mold the people that we are today, and the people that we will become.

You are welcome to use my chair; have a great summer day!


Blogger Monica said...

I don't know why this came to my mind while I was reading your blog, but someone once said, "one you dig up someone from his misery, you find a place to burry your own."

11:43 AM  
Blogger exhale said...

Interesting comment Monica. Perhaps we can become absorbed with the lives of the people we decide to help. Perhaps to a point of stepping in for them. However, I believe that we must make our own mistakes and learn from them. This is the difference. We cannot live someone else's lives because we have not experienced their unique challenges. Just some thoughts.

Thanks for dropping by! Have a good day.

12:13 PM  
Blogger exhale said...

hmm... after rethinking about monica's comment.. perhaps the best of all ways to get your mind off your own troubles is to try to help someone else with theirs.

Taken from an old chinese proverb.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Monica said...

Well, I think that the minute one decides to get out of his little troublsome cave and reach out for another person to help him is the biggest step...It needs a lot of courage to conquer self-centerdness.
Whenever, I feel troubled I go help anyone, I just do something special for a friend...
It always works miracles.
I never felt the real spirit of Christmas until I joined the choir service on the early morning of Christmas that went all around orphanges in poor districts of Cairo to cheer the kids up.
my other blog is:

12:53 PM  
Blogger exhale said...

What you say is so true Monica. There is amazing things to be said about all of the great things that can happen if we simply give a little bit of ourselves to someone else. Everyone wins.

Are you in Cairo now?

Rob from Canada

1:50 PM  
Blogger Monica said...

Hi! I came across this blog by doing a google search on name is Monica Monska also....well my maiden name is Monska. But that's not really the ironic thing though. What I found interesting is that I felt like I was reading my own thoughts and ideas. Everything Monica is saying felt so personal to myself. Is this coincidence?....or is this one of "The Defining Moments" in life that Rob wrote about? Did I stumble onto this site or was it destiny / fate? I believe everything happens for a reason and everyone we meet has a special purpose for our life. Every interaction with some one else defines who we are and who we will become and vice versa for the other person. If we want the world to be a happier and better place we need to be willing to give of ourselves as much as possible and hope that others will do the same in return. If we want others to show love, kindness, and respect, we also need to show them the same. I feel that everyone should always give more of themselves then they expect to get back in return. Extra love (or any kind of positive energy) leaves an imprint on every thing, place, and person we come in contact with. It breaks the barrier and wall of time, therefore, making it an imprint for eternity. I believe that "that imprint" stays forever in that place, thing, or person and affects then in return everything and anyone who then comes incontact with it. Therfore creating more love and positive energy for the future. So, in order to help create a "Defining Moment" for yourself or for someone else, always be willing to help, share, give, support, love, etc. with every part of your being down to the core of your soul. You then will not only create positive energy for others to bask in but you will in return gain more than you could possible imagine. As the saying goes.....Give and you shall receive. That is also true of Defining Moments! Don't expect them to just be handed to you...they won't be. Get out there! Live Life! Love enourmously! Expect the unexpected! Never give up! Laugh! And most importantly ....leave an IMPRINT in this wonderfully crazy world that will last forever! Therfore making reoccuring Defining Moments that will last for all of eternity impacting and changing the lives of others and helping them recognize the Defining Moments of their lives!

11:53 PM  

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