Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Your Creative Self - fly with it!

We often get bogged down in our daily routines and responsibilities of school and work and family, often missing the clues that time is continuously slipping by us.

Our dreams we had once upon a time often slip away in oblivion. Or maybe they are still with you, in mind only, as you go about your day. Is there a reason that they remain tugging away in your conscious thoughts? Are you ever going to act and fulfill these dreams?

When we are young we dream of material things such as acquiring wealth and toys. Or we dream of becoming a particular profession such as a policeman, a firefighter, a rock star, or a doctor. We dream of becoming parents, having kids.... well some people do!

Some people dream of becoming popular, profound. Many today dream of peace... is this possible in our world and lifetime?

Reward yourself for working out your daily encumbrances. In the very least, take time to laugh and play and sing.

Take your mind away for a few minutes each day and play the piano, play your song, paint your picasso or rembrant. Express your creative self. Whatever it is that sooths your soul, for a few minutes each day give yourself to it. You will be amazed!


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