Sunday, July 31, 2005

Reinvent the Wheel? Or can it just be improved?

The Penny-Farthing is a bicycle, now more often seen in a museum, rather than on the street. One of the advantages of this design was that it did not need a gear and chain assembly. The pedals were connected to the hub of the front wheel.

A disadvantage to this design was that it was very difficult to stop once it had picked up the slightest amount of speed! Another disadvantage was that the feet of the average adult rider could not touch ground while sitting on such a highly perched seat.

But in the 1870's when this bicycle was actually used day to day by many people, the advantages of being able to travel long distances with minimal physical effort, outweighed some of this vehicles' inherent safety flaws. In the late 1890's, new bicycle's were being designed based on the penny-farthing which included many new safety and comfort features. The Penny-Farthing cycle was also referred to as the 'boneshaker.'

There is always room and time to improve upon our own ideas.... without having to reinvent the wheel!

Right Place Right Time

Is there such a time and a location where everything that happens is just what you had hoped for? Or is it just a coincidence?

Why is it that some things are almost impossible for some of us to achieve, while for some one else it is accomplished without any apparent effort whatsoever?

I believe that we have it in ourselves to focus on a goal and to accomplish it 99% of the time. Do you believe me? Perhaps you do, or perhaps you are skeptical. This is ok.

An event will occur for someone being in the right place at the right time. Sometimes for the positive.... often for the negative. I believe this happens in coincidence.

If we want something to happen in a given timeframe, I believe that it is a matter of positioning ourselves to make it happen. What I mean by this is that we have to prepare, plan, practice, make mistakes, fall down, get back up, try again, ... then practice, practice, practice, then practice some more until we have forgotten why it appeared so difficult in the first place.

When we watch a great performer, a thrilling tennis player, a profound speaker,.... we can become envious, wishing that we could be as great as those people that make some task appear so easy. If you ask these people how they have accomplished their goals, they would be modest to tell the truth. But in many cases it is simply the result of focusing on an idea, making mistakes, picking oneself up again, and trying again.

You may think that you are always in wrong place at the wrong time. But not here and now. I know that you can accomplish great things. So take another look at the problem. Things are maybe not as bad as they may seem!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Defining Moments

There is no doubt about it. Life in today's world is a challenge, an uphill battle. We dare not slow down, in fear of something wanting to bite at our heel.

But it is ok to slow down. Sometimes the best thing one can do for themselves is to simply stop. Why? Well how does a person know which direction should be travelled? Perhaps we are blindly taking our lives into the wrong directions. How do we know? But it is certainly ok to slow down and to stop, to help someone else.

When we venture out in our lives, we do not always know when we will be faced with a moment that will become a defining moment in our lives. I think of a defining moment as one, that will affectively shape my character. How we respond, react, participate, forgive, help, shoulder, parent, and support ... all contribute to mold the people that we are today, and the people that we will become.

You are welcome to use my chair; have a great summer day!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Godspeed Discovery Godspeed

Discovery successfully launches Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Write Your Story, Sing Your Song!

Have you ever written a novel, a play, or a song? If you have, ... Congratulations on your accomplishment! I wish you all the success with it. How did you begin it? How did you transform your thoughts into ink on a page? Did the story flow easily, or was this a book you have been working on for many years?

I believe that there are many untold, unwritten stories. Perhaps you have your manuscript locked in your mind, but are not able to get it out and on paper. Why is this? I am asking because I just don't know myself.

I believe that I do have a story that I would like to write. I have even have gone as far as writing the first page of 'my' novel, and I have a title, King of Hearts. My problem is, is that I just can't seem to get to page 2!

What do you think? All of you successful novelists out there? Is it a matter of totally committing ones self? Do you lock yourself away from reality until your work is published?

I think it is time to rethink my approach. I have decided to continue my novel. And I am asking you to do the same. Put yourself in the spotlight. Get creative. Write your story. Whether you sing to a chord of DMinor 7th or C Major, sing your song! Begin it today!

The American Spirit

Yesterday, I was fortunate to have photographed the humbling Great Lakes traveller, the American Spirit. (click on image to enlarge)

This daunting vessel was just travelling under the Bluewater Bridge(s) between Sarnia, Ontario and Port Huron, Michigan on its way out into Lake Huron to some unknown destination.

I had since learned that the length of this ship is over 1000 feet, which is 3 times the length of a football field!

While I stood on the Canadian bank and watched this incredible 'journeyman' slowly but surely, and amazingly silently, move out into the waters of Lake Huron, I could not help but think that this vessel also symbolized the undaunting spirit of the American people, my neighbours across the water.

This ship, which was just one of a fleet of '1000' footers, and designed to carry iron ore, was christened August 21st, 1978 at Detroit, MI.

It is a true ingenuity.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Summertime in Canada

Just for a change of pace, thought I would share a recent photograph I had taken of an amazing garden in south western Ontario. In the background is a unique winebottle wall.

I was fortunate to have been involved building a second section of
this wall earlier this summer. (Click on image for a larger view)

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Combating Viruses and Spyware

Protect your computer and time investment.

Regularly backing up your data, including your website or blog html code, will help to reduce any down time if your computer should become infected by spyware, viruses, or browser hijackers. It is wise to maintain a proactive schedule to scan your computer to detect and remove these intrusions. I recommend the use of the anti-spy tool Spybot. To download or learn more about Spybot, go to .
Another very good anti-spyware program is Webroot's Spysweeper. You can download a free trial or learn more about this product by going to .

For the removal of browser hijackers, a recommended program to use is called hijackthis.exe . If you connect to you can search for and download this free program.
It is recommended that you read as much information about each of these programs to determine if they are best for you.

Today, it is imperative to be running an antivirus program, especially while travelling the internet. There are several excellent antivirus programs available including Norton and McAfee Antivirus software. These programs have an initial cost with an annual update and renewal price. They are a good investment. There are trial versions available which you may download for each of these programs.

There are many other antivirus software vendors. When you do invest in this software, regardless of the vendor, ensure that the program can be updated with new virus definition files. You want your virus definition files to be as current as possible.

Another excellent and highly effective (and free) antivirus scanning tool can be found at the website .
Protect yourself. They are out there.

E-Commerce Prosper

Wow... I wanted to learn more about the fundamentals of E-Commerce so I loaded up my trusty search engine and went on a hike.

An hour later I was not sure if I was more confused than depressed. I wanted to find a clearly defined tutorial where I could learn how to set up an online webstore from scratch. I have a reasonable programming understanding and was up for the challenge.

So I did not give up so easily. What I did learn was that there are a large number of great solutions for both the inexperienced programmer and internet savy entrepreneurs out there. It was a matter of understanding how each particular solution worked, and the differences in features. More particularly, you need to understand the software requirements of each solution.

Generally an ecommerce solution works like this. First, think of it as an online shopping centre. From the consumers perspective, he or she selects an item from your list or catalog, then selects the number of items. Your total cost is calculated, including applicable regional taxes and shipping charges. You indicate your type of payment, visa, money order, etc. . You would generally receive an order confirmation, indicating that your order was accepted or otherwise. Then presto... in a couple of days, your new set of golf clubs will be delivered right to your front door!

Sounds simple enough right? It can be. The onus, however, is on the storeshop owner (e-commerce website programmer) to provide the customer the greatest level of transaction security as possible.

There are quite a few commercial software packages that you can purchase. These programs are basically e-commerce or e-store templates that you can mold to suit to the needs of your own storefront. You would need to talk with your internet ISP to understand their policies on e-commerce, particularly when it comes to the use of server side scripts on your ISP's server. Most ISP's will not allow a residential account user to use server side scripts. That is, where some of your e-store software resides on your ISP's computer server. If you have a business internet account, your ISP is generally more favorable. You will pay an extra few dollars each month for a business account. But search around, there are ISP's that will host your software, and at a reasonable price.

The main component of an e-commerce site is the use of a relational database which stores and maintains all of your product inventory information. This database would typically be located on your webspace on your ISP server. Your database could have been created using Microsoft Access, MySQL, SQL Server, or almost any common database application used today. Whether you are eager enough to create your own webstore or use a commercial package, you will need to understand TCPIP protocols, the basics of webservers such as Apache or Microsofts IIS (Internet Information Server), or Dreamweaver, an excellent application which works as a combined HTML editor and webserver.

The database is connected to frontend software, typically a userfriendly customer interface, and a hidden administrative interface.

How sophisticated your e-commerce store is.. is totally up to you.

I was fortunate to have found an excellent tutorial which makes an excellent starting point for new webstore owner wanabees. This tutorial can be found at this site:

You can also try their live e-commerce demo:

I have found the above tutorial to be an excellent learning tool. It will definitely answer many of your questions not covered in my writing. The site offers many other tutorials and hosts a forum where you can also search for answers offered by other webstore owners.

Have fun with your new store!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Your Creative Self - fly with it!

We often get bogged down in our daily routines and responsibilities of school and work and family, often missing the clues that time is continuously slipping by us.

Our dreams we had once upon a time often slip away in oblivion. Or maybe they are still with you, in mind only, as you go about your day. Is there a reason that they remain tugging away in your conscious thoughts? Are you ever going to act and fulfill these dreams?

When we are young we dream of material things such as acquiring wealth and toys. Or we dream of becoming a particular profession such as a policeman, a firefighter, a rock star, or a doctor. We dream of becoming parents, having kids.... well some people do!

Some people dream of becoming popular, profound. Many today dream of peace... is this possible in our world and lifetime?

Reward yourself for working out your daily encumbrances. In the very least, take time to laugh and play and sing.

Take your mind away for a few minutes each day and play the piano, play your song, paint your picasso or rembrant. Express your creative self. Whatever it is that sooths your soul, for a few minutes each day give yourself to it. You will be amazed!

Small Steps

Do you want to be successful, enjoying a happy and fulfilled life? I think it would be safe to answer 'yes' to this question. Perhaps you just want to live a modest comfortable life somewhere in the middle of classes. Perhaps you are just happy getting by, to follow the same daily routine, not creating any ripples. But if you choose not to create ripples, what do you get back in return? Probably not so much, right?

Perhaps we live this simplier way just because we do not know how to begin to go after our dreams. We often seek ways to shortcut directly to prosperity, only to fail with great discouragement to try again. Why bother in the first place?

But what is truly ironic is the fact that we already know how to succeed. We are all born with the basic need to survive right from the time we take our first small steps, when we begin to form the ability to make decisions based on a successful outcome.

The mothers and fathers of newborns witness as their babies begin to grow, eventally crawl and walk, small steps, slow but surely.

The lesson that we should learn is to simply take small steps towards achieving our goals. Think of these smaller steps as the achievement of a number of small, realistic and obtainable goals. When we reach each of these smaller goals we ultimately will successfully achieve the ultimate goal.

There is magic when we achieve each smaller goal. This magic is called confidence. Our confidence continues to grow with each success.

We develop a true since of accomplishment if we set a timeframe for ourselves as to when each goal should be achieved. Setting a timeframe sets our minds to 'drive'. Undefined or unrealistic timeframes creates discouragement when we do not succeed. We remain in Neutral.

Write down your goals. Then using as much creativity as you wish, write down all of the ways that you could achieve your goal. For example, in order to achieve a goal, you may need to obtain certain financial or material resources. You may need to take courses to learn something new or upgrade yourself. You may need to secure the help of others. You may need to develop a formal plan required to secure bank funding. You may need to obtain special licences.

After you have written down your goal. Read it to yourself. Let other people read it. Let your teacher or banker read it. Talk to people that have reached the same or similar goal. Listen to their suggestions. Thank your supporters; place value on their time and advice.

Welcome both negative and positive feedback.

Next, take a look at the list you have created on ways to accomplish this goal. Remove all of the unrealistic suggestions. What remains is your primary list of smaller steps or goals. You may need to break down some of these small steps into even smaller components. But this is a very good practice. You want your steps to be very small, very achievable, very doable.

As you achieve each smaller step, cross it off your list. Give yourself reasonable time to complete each step. Don't give yourself too much time. Just know that when you begin to achieve each of the smaller steps your confidence begins to grow... and so does your excitement! You are on your way!

It is very important to reward yourself for each small achievement. You will most certainly run into some snags. But this is normal. Learn from these situations, and continue.

Start Now.... Small Steps.

Dance in the rain again

*%$# ...... its the 6:15am buzzer again! Who on earth is responsible for creating that excruciating noice!!

Have you ever have days when you did not want to get up in the morning just because it is raining and gloomy outside again? Or perhaps you do not like your dead end job again? The traffic would be bumper to bumper again. Your work efforts would not be appreciated again. 'Your' promotion would just be given to someone else again. The 'air' in the office would be full of adversity with no fun again. And you just know that tomorrow will be the same again... and the day after tomorrow again... again... and again.... just to receive a paycheck that barely makes ends meet again?


Have you ever jumped out of bed just to run out and dance in the rain again?

Have you ever helped someone else at work with all the extra work that person was given again?

Have you ever thought about trying an alternate route to work rather than taking the same slow bumper to bumper route again?

Have you ever intentionally stopped into your bosses office just to say hello and thank you rather than taking extra steps just to avoid that office again?

Have you ever congratulated and talked to the person that received 'your' promotion, maybe learning something new again?

Have you ever smiled at someone. You will be amazed at how contagious it will be. Try it... again and again.

Next time you look at your paycheck.... think about the people who would appreciate it again.
And think about the many many people who would be happy to just see another day again.

Tonight.... set your alarm to 6:00am. Dance in the rain again.

Monday, July 18, 2005

How to Increase Blog Traffic

1) Submit your site to the larger search engines:

For you may need to create a (free) account. Follow this link:

For, you do not need to have an account. Follow this link:

Some of the other larger search engines such as offer this as a paid service.

2) If you have a blog hosted by, I suggest you check out their very good recommendations about increasing web traffic also.

3) Experiment with the content of your Blog. Depending on the type of traffic you wish to attract, you will need to 'market' it accordingly. You may want to consider using a service (free) such as . Their service is like a web hit counter PLUS much more. Not only will you be able to know the amount of traffic you are generating, but will be able to analyse where this traffic is coming from.... live. You do not have to refresh your blog.

Did I mention this service is FREE!

I am currently reviewing some other suggested, simple and free ways to generate web traffic and will update this post on an ongoing basis. If you have some great ideas, please feel free to send them along to me. I would like to hear from you!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Boldness has Genius, Power, and Magic

Whenever I need to refresh my own initiative, I search to find a weathered and crumpled piece of paper given to me by a wise friend. When I read the words contained on this scrap of paper my state of mind changes, my doubts quickly fade as a solution presents itself.

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings, and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come his or her way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."

Begin it Now.

[Bloggers Note: The above quotation was from Johann Wolfgang van Geothe (1749-1832). Geothe was, among many things, a giant of philosophy and literature]

Change Your Flight Patterns

Can you tell me what prevents us from achieving our goals? What kills our initiative. Why do we start out focused, driven, tasting the end result only to slow and once again stop dead in our tracks, sometimes even forgetting what the goal was that we set out to achieve? I don't like to use the word 'blame', because I feel that we make choices in our lives.

One of the things that prevents us from achieving goals is due to our thinking patterns. We tend to use a common thought pattern 'template' in the way we approach and solve problems. The template may work in some situations, but not for everything. Let me put it another way. Do we always travel on the same road? Do you always walk down the same street to get to your bank, your grocery store, your baseball diamond, or your place of work? Some people will. Other people will need to travel down many different streets or roads to get to each unique destination.

So for each goal that we set for ourselves... does it make sense that we would perhaps need to approach each goal differently? Perhaps yes.

We need to change the way we think about things. And we need to develop a different Flight Pattern to reach each unique goal or destination.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Keeping Your Ducks Straight

So you have stumbled upon a good idea. Excellent. It could serve many purposes. It may have arisen out of a necessity, it may have simply landed on your doorstop. Ideas wonder in and out of our heads, much more frequently than we think. Have you ever woken up in the middle of a night thinking that you have discovered the greatest idea in the history of mankind, and that you can quit your job in the morning? But only to wake up the next morning and trying to remember what you were thinking about the night before. Or perhaps you did remember, and simply discarded it into the circular filing cabinet, and went to work. We all have done this. We do this constantly, every day, only to kick ourselves when we learn that someone else had had your same idea and had turned it into their reality.

One of the reasons that we discard ideas is that we choose not to think them through. But if your boss handed you a new project, you would have to think about it, wouldn't you? ... or be faced with the consequences when it fails. So you would normally have to develop a plan, perhaps a business plan. Or in the very least write it down, it may not be as wacky as it initially appears. Did you know that Thomas Edison patented over 1000 ideas. Some we would certainly consider wacky. One of his lessor known inventions was concrete. He attempted to make pianos and one-piece homes, caskets, phonograph cabinets, yes, out of poured concrete. Many people thought that this idea was truly wacky..... that was, of course, until Mr. Edison was contracted to build the Yankee Stadium.... out of solid concrete. Because if the high quality of concrete, the stadium lasted many seasons before requiring any repairs.

We all think differently, some of us are 'visual' people... others are calculators... others perhaps are risk takers. Regardless of the type of thinkers we are... we all have the ability to successfully develop and prosper from our own ideas.

Just think about it. We simply need to put and keep our ducks in a row.

If you Build it......

Just a clique? ... perhaps so.

In 1938 the first bridge expansion between Sarnia of Ontario and Port Huron of Michigan was completed. It was a remarkable task of vision, planning, and people power. This key link helped to forge the union of the 2 greatest trading partners in the world, Canada and the United States. The economic benefits of this spand of wire, cable, and concrete, otherwise known as the Bluewater Bridge, also directly affect the local residents of Sarnia and Port Huron.

Was this a good idea? You betcha! Great events would follow as we became inspired. In fact, people came from hundred's of miles just to see this great awe invoking bridge. And they still do, including myself.

So is it time to start building your idea?

And when YOU build it... they WILL come.

A second span, or twin, was later built in 1997.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Power of Belief ... is it the Power of Magic?

Challenges represent many things to each of us.

It may represent a goal of loosing those few extra pounds. Perhaps you have a vision of starting a new business. Perhaps you dream of becoming an actor.... to stand in front of a crowd with a newness in your voice and a strength to awe.... drawing that third ovation.

Well yes, you can do all of these things.... when you believe in yourself.

However, if we choose to withdraw from our challenges, or ideas, we can not release our dormant giants.

Believe in yourself... first.

Fear of Failure perhaps?

History has shown how we grow from the harvest of good ideas. We benefit from the success of other people's ideas. But, we also benefit from our failures. Great experience comes from bad experience. We can and have learned from our mistakes.

So I guess my point is..... is that yes, we cannot always know if an idea will turn out to be good or bad. If it turns out good.. then great! If the idea does not prove to work as expected... well thats ok also. What is important is that we have learned something in this process. And we can try again.

To Flight

Ever have what you thought was a great idea? Maybe you have been toying with an idea on and off for a while, but perhaps it just lays dormant somewhere in the back of your mind. Have you ever thought of launching your new and brilliant idea... but was never quite sure how? Or perhaps you are in doubt? It probably would not work anyway.....

Why is it that so many great and promising ideas are quashed because we choose to simply drawback, killing our ideas before they even get off the ground?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

So you have finally made it. Congratulations.